Curriculum vitae of Dr. med. Diana von Welser
Abitur at the Willi-Graf-Gymnasium in Munich
Studied at the Saarland University and at the Free University of Berlin
Study visits to Istanbul and London
State examination 1992 in Berlin
Doctorate at the Free University of Berlin (Nephrology, Benjamin Franklin University Hospital)
Training to become a specialist in internal medicine:
1. Medical department in the clinic III. Orden / Munich 1993 - 1995 and
3rd Medical Department of the Academic Teaching Hospital Munich-Bogenhausen 1995 - 2001
Specialist in internal medicine (Bavarian Medical Association) 1999
Diabetologist (German Diabetes Society) 2000
Recognition as an emergency doctor 2000
Training in basic psychosomatic care 2002
Diabetologist (Bavarian Medical Association) 2007
Nutritional medicine (Bavarian Medical Association) 2016
Established in 2001 as a specialist in internal medicine, diabetology and nutritional medicine
German Diabetes Society (DDG)
Professional Association of Resident Diabetologists in Bavaria (bndb)
AG Diabetes & Pregnancy of the German Diabetes Society
Fussnetz München e.V., interdisciplinary care for diabetic feet
Studied at the Saarland University and at the Free University of Berlin
Study visits to Istanbul and London
State examination 1992 in Berlin
Doctorate at the Free University of Berlin (Nephrology, Benjamin Franklin University Hospital)
Training to become a specialist in internal medicine:
1. Medical department in the clinic III. Orden / Munich 1993 - 1995 and
3rd Medical Department of the Academic Teaching Hospital Munich-Bogenhausen 1995 - 2001
Specialist in internal medicine (Bavarian Medical Association) 1999
Diabetologist (German Diabetes Society) 2000
Recognition as an emergency doctor 2000
Training in basic psychosomatic care 2002
Diabetologist (Bavarian Medical Association) 2007
Nutritional medicine (Bavarian Medical Association) 2016
Established in 2001 as a specialist in internal medicine, diabetology and nutritional medicine
German Diabetes Society (DDG)
Professional Association of Resident Diabetologists in Bavaria (bndb)
AG Diabetes & Pregnancy of the German Diabetes Society
Fussnetz München e.V., interdisciplinary care for diabetic feet

Dr. med. Diana von Welser
Internist ⋅ Diabetologist ⋅ Nutritonal medicine

Astrid Mayer
trained medical assistant
Diabetes advisor DDG
QM officer

Monika Ehinger
trained medical assistant
exam. nurse
Diabetes assistant DDG
DDG wound assistant
Office Hours
Monday - Thursday 9:00-13:00
Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 14:30 - 17:00
And by appointment
Telephone consultation hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:30 - 9:00
Nussbaumstrasse 14 ⋅ 80336 Munich
Telephone: 089/20 24 42 81
Fax: 089/20 24 42 82